Even as she explained the musical end, he couldn’t help but hide the small glimmer of jealousy; coming up short… he always would, second best. The Lady would always be more than he could ever be- even if she did grant him immortality, he would be younger always… He wasn’t too sure if he was keen on that idea, but… A talk for another time, perhaps. How he missed the days of Wonderland, living in the estranged world and being something more then a man; being THE Mad Hatter, known and feared by all. Shifting from his former thoughts when she made mention of the man he had all but nearly forgotten, he listened as she explained her findings.
With disgust on his face, he hopped off his back, The end of his blade tilted the man's head up to look into his eyes, Hatter’s face grim. ”-The very type of men I despise… that, pedophiles, and ass-holes who harm pets… pathetic human worms… ’What is suitable?’” He replied, mirroring her last statement, expression suddenly flashing wickedly cheerful, purely malicious.
”-Only the finest horror shows for this man, my dear Lady. I suggest we bring him along with us back to the Funhouse, and inflict the very same pains he has on all the women he’s hurt…” Was the Hatter proposing torture, oh yes! Delightfully, and even more so… the man would retain full consciousness.
”-We’ll tie this thing up, I’ll remove his Card- so he’ll be fully aware- and we’ll let him know what it means to be afraid…” Scarecrow would be proud of him… only this wasn’t for science, it was for pure revenge. "-Quick death is out of the question; as is feeding. He'd only be so lucky to have your pretty mouth against his disgusting hide. Your thoughts, my dear?"
Vendetta picked up the words- and jealousy behind them. Later. Seriously, mortals and their jealousy. Dramatic in an irritting manner, the lot of them. She listened, noting the grim expression. Good- they were on the same page. Vendetta nodded assent to that, and smiled coldly- he asking her thoughts.
"We're on the same page. I'm sure you can come up with dark delights- just be careful. You don't want the filth this thing has passing on to you- or myself, of course." The words sounded strange, but Hatter would realize Vendetta passed as human to their 'friend'. Vendetta was a stranger. Unknown. Faceless. She smirked, and with ease, got him to his feet. Anyone who saw him would think him inebriated, they helping him home. In reality, she had him bound- he couldn't speak or move freely. A glamour showed him to be dressed in a style that matched them- for the sake of convenience. The trio began walking back.
It seemed they shared the same sentiments towards such pathetic human scum. They made quite the excellent pair. She proved it, when she gave her response, sweet silken honey. '…Just be careful, you don't want the filth this thing has passing on to you- or myself, of course.'
"-Oh don't worry, I don't plan to..." allow that to happen he would have said, knowing once more Jervis and Hatter would be in perfect agreement on what to do with this... trash. Beyond his own bonds, Vendetta carried her own- suggesting illusion they kind souls helping their 'friend'.
"Now, darling, let's get our friend back. He doesn't look well, not at all.”