February 22, 2021

On the Threshold Of Adventure- Character Introduction

    Gather ‘round- sit by the fire, pull up a flagon of ale, and prepare to immerse yourself in a beautifully dramatic story of intrigue, adventure and camaraderie. Before we begin, however, I'd like to introduce you to our cast of colourful characters [living and deceased]:

    Storyteller Of the Gods, Asriel: This rather enigmatic Goatman Bard-Paladin isn't cut from the same cloth as most of either persuasion. He tends to be more modest; instead of entertaining the masses with song or dance, Asriel regales epic fables handed down throughout the ages. Hailing from the faraway region of The Savage Coast, this unusual individual found himself in Karameikos, on a holy pilgrimage- seeking knowledge and to spread the word of Havlav, a God he knows of and follows with a fierce- and powerful- devotion...

    Knight Of the Banished, Silver: Named for his scale colour [shiny and dull silver], this Dragon-kin Knight began life enslaved to a dragon, as all dragon-types are to do in the confines of Mystara. It's unclear how, but he broke away from his Master, and sought life devoted to the Gods. For awhile, he lived as a Paladin- but something happened, which caused him a great devastation. Silver's never talked about himself in any context. Life led him to Threshold, where he found himself entangled in a strange group. Whatever goals this Knight has remain unclear...

    Creation and Destruction's Student, Jordan- The world has never seen anyone quite like him! In this world, Genasi are a subset of Human- tempered down from their pure elemental forms through the ages. They're noticable due to their vividly-coloured eyes and hair. Which leads us to Jordan, one of Mystara’s Water Genasi and Alchemists. Led to a life of Alchemy for reasons unknown, Jordan has- again, for undisclosed reasons- chosen to try his hand of adventuring. Together, he and his friend travel the land, seeking new and rare ingredients, potions and more...

    Hunter Forsaken, Sera- Silent, strange, super serious, scary [sometimes]... All words people think of upon first sight of this Storm Genasi Ranger. Their most distinctive feature- the one people can’t really miss- is their sewn-shut mouth. Taking to writing on a board to convey their thoughts, Sera hasn't explained what happened. Just that they- with their only friend, Jordan- travelled away from the unforgiving sands and sun of the Ylaraum Desert. All that’s been written on the matter of their mouth is this: "It happened a while ago. My tongue was also cut out. So I'd better not break my hands." Whatever happened, will be revealed in time…

    Soldier Of Fortune , Thorin: Thorin is a dwarven Warlord with a vibrant life! The son of Dwarven farmers, he chose to take Fate into his own hands. Soon he walked among humans, who accepted him for his talents- not his birthright. Eventually he wound up in Karameikos' capital, Specularum. Fate led him to join the Army. He rose within the ranks, learning all he wished to know. Once completing his tenure, he returned home- only to find things hadn't changed. Dwarven society holds a rigid structure, it seems. Eventually life took him to a dilapidated bar in Threshold; and in time, wound up in charge. [It helps when the owner is never sober]. Life once more sent Thorin a strange twist of Fate, and now he finds himself on the open road...

    Broken-Spirited Slave, Violet: Violet is so-called due to her violet eyes and hair that she was born with. [Strange for non-Genasi, but it happens] Once she lived a relatively happy life- until circumstances led to a multi-year disappearance. Violet never elaborated in detail upon what happened in her time away; but upon her rescue and return, she was cold, quiet- broken of the innocence and warmth she once held. Eventually life led to a mistake turned to opportunity. Finding a twisted purpose, this strange Hin is now surrounded by stranger company- turning only to her diaries for companionship she can trust. Plenty of secrets remain locked up behind those amethyst eyes- secrets not quite so buried deep in the past

    Now you know the main players, a strange and fantastic tale of intrigue, drama and camaraderie awaits- with events and mysteries unfolding in real-time. Settle in and enjoy- as we explore the mind of Violet Silverthorne- and all her adventures recorded in her diary...

Author's Note: The colours are designed for reading ease. Mostly for myself. As of the time of posting, this chapter will require some updating- pending the arrival of a new character.

Chapter 1- The Story So Far

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