Perhaps it is strange, to record one’s personal ethos. Especially in a place where I risk it being seen. Thing is… if someone is reading this, I’d all better be truly dead and gone. Sometimes, seeing something laid out just makes it easier to gain strength to hold on. That being said… My rules help minimize the suffering I have caused, and will cause yet.
Rule #1: Don't Make Trouble From [Or Near] Hearth and Home
This should be the golden rule. I'm shocked at how many I've seen get captured, tortured, exiled, killed even- for this very thing. People who trusted once will turn, if one is caught making trouble without necessity. And it’s usually theft, too. Hands off- UNLESS you’re well-acquainted [or well-versed in Hin society, should a person not be of my kin]. Consequences can be... unpleasant. For example, I once borrowed Miss Azyth’s sewing kit- mother needed to finish repairs, and the shops closed for the night. I returned it just a bit too late- and to this day, I still shudder thinking about Miss Azyth’s ire. What too-talls consider to be theft, we hin consider more borrowing; but always return borrowed items in a timely manner. Never ~permanently~ steal from friends/family/parties. That's how trouble comes about...
Rule #2: Don't Back-stab Near Hearth and Home, Either
Building on rule #1, keep family/friends/adventurers close- and enemies on their toes/at the end of one's weapon of choice. Play it smart- if you sweet-talk that asshole your friend owes a ton of gold to into debt forgiveness, they stop that massive ork with the mace from liquefying your head when you ambushed. Again, I'm saddened by how often I've seen this happen. You can be yourself, sure- but if your reputation is completely shot and everyone hates you, you're not gonna live long. Included among this are serious crimes: Like
most other cultures, there are more serious crimes to think about:
murder, betrayal of family, rape, torture, slave-keeping/trading...
Fire-setting, non-fatal injury and speaking of Clan/family affairs to
outsiders, in the case of the hin [there is an exception below, as one
will learn] (NOTE: This rule can be set aside if you or someone you care for is crossed. One would think this doesn't need to be said, but I've met quite a few selfish people of my fellow trades. It's... unfortunate)
Rule #3: Play It Smart- Risk vs. Reward; Think It Through!
Picture this: you're walking down the street, minding your own business [for once]... then you see something. Glitter of gold in the corner of your eye, maybe even… the sparkle of fine jewels. The scent of beautiful, exotic spices. Hell, maybe even a lovely apple pie on a windowsill you're passing by. But! The spices belong to the noble who just rewarded you for liberating his Keep. Or you catch the tale of the merchant raising funds to rebuild his home after a fire, and someone generous donated some gold... It's just not worth it. Nor is small-time stuff, like shaking down helpless people [unless you're desperate- or under orders] Remember- just because one can, doesn't mean one should. That said... In a gray-area instance, the best course of action is simply to move on. Make a note and come back- or, more likely, forget it altogether. If one is really unsure, it's the better option. Risk versus reward, is what that comes back to- most times, the reward of not having to deal with hassle is enough. Especially in cases of misunderstanding.
amount of times, that too-talls get annoyed, because we borrowed
something for a couple of hours… One would think they’d never been
around a Hin before! Well… Some of them hadn’t, I suppose. But the ones
who had really should have known better!]
Rule #4: People See What they Want To See
This one’s a rule built on a tip… A ranger I once knew taught me this trick. Will... somebody or other, the last name eludes me. Valuable lesson- people see what they want to see. Originally this applied to moving undetected. Movement betrays more than contrast, hide what stands out- but I thought of a way to weave this in. Do your best to disguise yourself/seem uninteresting. If you can pass by unawares, that’s what you want a lot of the time. This also applies socially. People judge. Use this to your advantage when you can! I've seen/heard a lot of things about my race [who hasn’t?]. On the positive side, my people are cheerful, warm, non-offensive types. On the downside, we've a rep for being thieves/cowards. Become the exception when possible [excuse me while I pause to laugh]. Stay by trusted people. Stand your ground when need be. But do note this CAN backfire. Just use your best judgment.
Rule #5: Personable People Go Places [aka Favour Over Fortune]
Charm, vice, coin. These go much farther than threats, harm and/or deprivation, in the cases of those neutral-benevolent to you. Do things for people, just because- time and opportunity permitting. If someone you do something nice for offers payment, take favours if you can afford to [people have to eat too; life is not free]. Gaining a reputation for being helpful, generous and/or kind can take you pretty far. Tricks are easier to turn with far less suspicion from the girl with a heart of gold. Plus, sometimes the gods care about that kinda thing. Or something. Maybe ask a priest about that one. Caveat: Sometimes, people insist on giving you something; or maybe you really need the coin. Take it with grace. See also ‘reputation for being kind’
Rule #6: Hide What You Can [Until Trust Is Established]
Everyone has secrets; in my case, I have... quite a few more than most. So, what is one to do? Cover your tracks. Half-truths and veils of vagueness are your best friends; the best liars know this. Eventually, though, inconsistencies will happen. You’re gonna meet someone with a sharp enough intuition, someone who can see through you. In the situations where one had to confess- keep it poignant. But make sure you exercise all your options- including silence.
..There is... another exception. With time and extraordinary circumstance… Friendships are forged by fire and blood [At least, mine are; nothing quite like waging wars and exploring ancient ruins to bond with people, I suppose] If that's the case, hopefully they can be trusted as much as one thinks. Choose your allies, choose your timing and choose your words carefully. Even the best among us need a little help- a friend. I know it’s strange, and contradictory… But I’ve learned the value of true companionship. I’d not give up for all the fortunes in all the planes.