Dawn’s earliest stages came all too soon, and with it- everyone understandably on edge. Final preparations were made- weapons inspected, adjustments made, positions taken. Those needing protection gathered at The Mallard Inn, in the middle of town- sealed up for safety. Asriel, Thorin, Jordan and Silver hung back near the bridge. Sera and Violet were needed in the tower- they would lead the archer assault, falling back into the main forces once the surprise was launched.
"Best of luck, Sera and Violet." Silver said. The others nodded, in silent agreement.
The duo nodded, preparing to move. Just as they turned to cross the bridge, Jordan grabbed Sera- he intended to grab their arm, but caught their hand instead. "Sera... Come back to me."
Sera froze. The moment was sweet, almost... romantic. Flushing gently, their hand squeezed his- then slipped away, following Violet over the bridge. Leaving Jordan lost to thought, watching Sera walk away. Both of them thought the same thing: Maybe Reithann was right about us...
Barely had Sera and Violet stepped on the bridge, before they saw shifting darkness in the distance. Movement... It was them. Skulking low along one side of the bridge, the two figures were near-impossible to see. Melting into shadow, the pair walked along the safe part of the path- and up to the tower, where archers were waiting. Moving inside, everyone was on high alert at the door suddenly opening- relaxing seeing the pair walking in.
"They're coming. Earlier than expected." Immediately the archers moved, sprawling out throughout the tower. Sera and Violet took up spots near the exit, for they'd have to run. This was the tricky part. Dozens of slavers marched in the dark, resembling moving shadow more than anything at this time of day. Normally they wouldn't contend to come at such an ungodly hour- but they knew it a necessary evil.
Messengers from the failed river assault brought word of adventurers. One in particular, at the description, made Nazin pause. His mind cast back to a particular slave from some time ago- he had to give her up to Leviticus, but the memories of torment were fond. Yet marred, by Leviticus' rage- caused by her disappearance. If they were one and the same... Nazin ordered the movement on Albridge. They would travel overnight- catch them unawares. Protests were quickly silenced with a demonstration of punishment for dissidence. Marching in the dark, none anticipated trouble- after all, the majority of residents wouldn't even be stirring for some time yet. An upper hand was to be gained- especially since those meddlesome adventurers were said to be taking up residence here temporarily. If he could sneak some people in to slit their throats, all the better...
Unfortunate for them, the scouting wave fell victim to pit traps, nets and caltrops. For the especially unfortunate second wave, a wave of fire appeared- oil-slicked road inconspicuously set alight. Screams of agony, combined with illumination, alerted the main fighting force- and forced the slavers to divert closer to the tower. Placing them right in the fire-line of hidden archers. Rains of acid, peach-scented smoke and arrows rained death on the third wave; this helped thin out their ranks, early victory secured.
"After them! Don't let those two escape!" The instant they could, Sera and Violet ran for the square- remnants of the early wave hot on their heels, enraged. Shouts to chase them down were heard, the pair hightailing as fast as they could. Soon the two became six- and as the slavers closed in on the bridge, acid vials shattered. Buying the group time; but the slavers came prepared. Flying above, four strange creatures swept into the scene. Glistening black skin, dripping slightly- they seemed to radiate some kind of sticky tar substance...
Which cut their plan of fighting off. These creatures spat tar at them from in the air, rendering half the group ineffective. Moreover, the heavy metal armour prevented them from dodging the tar, sticking them fast to the bridge. Swooping in, the creatures tried to attack- but the Shield Wall held effective. Arrows of hardened water from Sera, acidic vials from Jordan, and bullets of stone from Violet fired into the skies. Backing them, bastilla fire from the river ripped through the creatures' bodies . Keeping themselves and their companions safe, the three took up solace behind the Shied Wall- picking off anyone who got too close. Once the last tar creature fell into the river, the three stuck fast to the bridge freed themselves- and the group fell into the town square.
Not a moment too soon. All their stalling tactics finally failed. Scores of slavers, baying for blood, spilled off the bridge. Clashes of chaos began as the slavers met the main fighting force. Blood spilled in the river and on the streets, cacophony of combat all around. Oddly enough, the waves of slavers left the six adventurers alone... But they quickly discovered why. Sweeping off the bridge, a force of nine. Eight slavers, like the many around them... And a man Violet was extremely familiar with. Tall and rather muscular, he strode into the battlefield with little concern for what occurred. Dark red hair shone like fire in sunlight breaking over the horizon, golden eyes given dangerous flame. Violet swallowed hard, eyeing the dangerous- no, downright deadly- multi-headed, blood-drenched thorned flail in his hand.
Letting his glance sweep around, the sight of the adventurers caught his interest. So this is what's responsible for the delays... Doesn't seem too- Nazin paused, flail twitching in his hand ever-so-slightly. Woven into the group, a woman he’d not seen in years. Nazin recognized those amethyst eyes, even after all this time. Recalling their crystalline nature, full of tears and terror- though now, ice was all that glared him. Slowly, a sadistic smile crept across his face. So, the rumours are true. This gamble worked out nicely, indeed...
Instantly after Nazin and Violet's eyes locked, a stone shot through the air- intercepted by one of his lackeys. Blood and brain matter splattered all over Nazin, as the stone went through his head. Grinning, he took a step forward- and felt another's blood splatter him. The tall human among them stood, bow pointed at him- yet no discernible ammunition could be seen. Intriguing. Ordered forward, the men attacked- swords clashing against armour and various weapons. Blood on both sides spilled, dead-locked in prowess. While they fought, Nazin's flail wove through the crowd- super-heated spikes sticking in Violet's skin. Her blood dripped, and skin sizzled, satisfying him. He tried pulling her through- but she resisted, flesh tearing as his flail pulled back. Acid splashed over the crowd, slavers beginning to melt and corrode. Fire joined the fray, slavers falling to combined burns. Every shot, every vial aimed at Nazin was blocked by a lackey. For his part, frustration mounted- after his first success, his little trick had been discovered. Of particular annoyance was that damned draco-form, taking the hits intended for his victim... A new idea formed.
"Focus on those two! The two freaks- take them down, so we may gain victory here yet!" The remaining six shifted, concentrating on the draco-form and goatman interfering in his plan. Immediately this plan worked- both started looking worse for wear, bleeding out heavily.
"You'd better make sure I'm dead before I let you near anyone else!" Silver's broadsword gained a fresh blood coat, cutting one of the slavers in half. Scales were ripped off, wounds and fluids coating his armour.
"That's the plan, you lizard freak!" Silver roared in pain, a sword shoved through the side of his torso. Retribution was swift, Thorin's mordenkrad collapsing the unfortunate slaver’s rib cage and rupturing his lungs.
"Not if I've got anything teh say about it, you overgrown vermin! Jordan! Get Silver your infusions, he needs them!" This was all he could say, before one of the slavers knocked him off-balance. Not quite thrown prone, but definitely off-balance.
"I'm on it!" Jordan ripped a healing infusion from his bandolier- shattering it over Silver's head. Vivid crimson liquid seeped down, weaving into wounds- reversing the damage. "I've only got-" Distracted by the healing, one of the slavers broke off, rendering Jordan's arm useless. A sword blade just missed vital organs and spine. Blood gushed from his mouth, Jordan dropping to his knees. If that slaver lived, Nazin would ensure it wouldn't be for long, for the brazen defiance.
"Sera! On your right, shoot him before he kills Jordan!" Violet's stone whipped forward- crushing the throat of the slaver attacking Thorin, giving him a chance to charge in and strike a killing blow.
Fluid, Sera swung around- seeing exactly who Violet mentioned. Going after the only one who stood by their side in the time of exile. Time seemed to freeze, Jordan taking their hand replaying in the mind's eye. Such a simple moment, one to be remembered... Sera realized they wanted more of those kinds of moments. But if they missed, Jordan would be taken- this time for good. They couldn't revive him again, lacking the resources. A tear dripped off their face, one they didn't even notice landing in Viviana's arrow. Viviana… If you can hear me, feel me… Guide my shot. It’s the only chance I have.
Just as they released the string, Sera felt something... Strange. Their arms dropped, the tiniest bit. Anxiety laced with despair filled the Genasi for a moment as their shot flew through the air- the arrow looked... unusual. Normally Sera couldn't see Viviana's arrows. But as it flew then impacted, there was a discernible blue tint, a slight glow... Elation washed over them. The drop of their arms took their shot from missing, to striking right through the void where the slaver's heart would be. Viviana seemed to have guided Sera’s shot- saving Jordan's life.
Rushing over, Sera yanked one of Jordan's remaining infusions off- shattering it against his side. The wound closed- magic helped seal the other one.
"Sera..." Astonished blue eyes looked up to the stormy-slate ones looking down. Pulling him to his feet, the pair shared a glance. Many things said, without a single word spoken. The moment passed, as a vial of liquid fire Jordan casually tossed behind the ranger, setting a slaver who snuck up aflame. Meanwhile Thorin, Silver and Asriel became dead-locked; a four-on-three fight. Helped one of the four remaining was on fire and distracted, but it was still a dead-lock. Looking around, they saw Violet stab the slaver Jordan just set on fire, before facing Nazin.
"Violet, what the hell are you-"
"Help these three... with the dead-lock. Kill them as fast as possible, and stick together." Eerie calm took her voice. "Nazin and I have a score to settle."
"That's madness! You can't-" Jordan went to stop her- but Sera's arm across his chest put an effective stop to that. Violet stole away. She'd done it once- but this was personal. Looking back, Sera tipped their head to the deadlock- then the pair jumped in, adding to the assault.
Nazin for the most part felt relatively secure, despite the losses- his men were expendable anyways. While his slavers tied them up, he'd been wearing them down. Making it easier to get to his victim... Wait... Where is that little bitch?.. By way of answer, the dagger blade slammed between two ribs- twisting, scraping bone as it came out. Falling back, he looked to the blood- then up. Violet stood there, freshly-bloodied dagger in hand. Sling at the ready, with an icy grin
"Have you missed me, Nazin?" Silken-smooth, almost alluring to the man... Yes he recalled this voice in vivid detail. Beautiful screams, musical cries of agony. Delightful tremble in every whispered word. Nothing like the moment before him suggested- but Nazin didn't mind. In fact, he delighted in this- the chance to break her again tempted, stronger than any siren's song.
"Perhaps I have. But now I have you again... I don't intend on letting go!" Rushing forward, his flail slammed the ground where she stood, incinerating the dirt- Violet nimbly dodging out of the way. She launched another stone- but Nazin's flail dug into one of his slavers, to take the impact. Yet more blood flew, the body crumpling on the ground. This time, his flail found its mark- she groaning in pain, crying out as a downward yank drug them through her back and side. Burnt flesh filled the air, it Violet's skin. Panting, she tried to avoid his follow-up assault; but the flail wrapped around her leg, tripping her and tearing flesh to shreds. Violet cried out in pain- mingled with Nazin's laughter. By the gods, I have missed this... I missed putting this impudent bitch in her place...
Fear began to grip the hin, laughter sadistic echoing in her soul. Already her body was badly wounded, rivulets painting the ground beneath her. But she pushed it aside. "You're not… getting me back, Nazin... I'd rather die!"
"So be it then, 33572. Death is a look that suits you anyways!" Once more he went to strike- but she leapt forward; her dagger slid through a gap in his armour, sliding through the scales- and into his chest. Growling in anger and pain, Nazin's hand wrapped around Violet's throat- ripping her away from his body. She gasped and writhed, choking under the power of his hand crushing her throat. But Nazin cried out in pain- real pain- when her dagger was shoved to the hilt through his wrist. Forcing him to drop her. Violet collapsed to the ground in a heap- panting softly, recovering her breath. Where were his men? Why were they not defending him?!
Something skidded to a halt in before him- a body. Belonging to one of his minions. Six corpses laid around the five adventurers in better condition than at last glance. The other two broken at his feet. All their weapons raised, five more pairs of eyes focused purely on him. Nazin went to call for reinforcements- but Jordan's stone glanced his throat, crushing it long enough to stop him. The others surrounded him, making up for lost time. Immediately between him and his victim, the damned draco-form, dwarf and goatman. Behind him, just out of his flail's reach, the two humans stood- vials and arrows at the ready. Nazin snarled in anger, lashing out with his flail- going after the dwarf, who looked weakest comparatively.
In answer, an axe cut his flail-wielding arm, rendering it temporarily useless. The draco-form's broadsword swung, cutting deep into his torso. Acid rained down, melting exposed skin and singeing his hair. Somehow it missed his eyes. The dwarf's mordenkrad slammed into him, knocking him back. Hardened water arrows pierced his body, more blood spilling as Nazin toppled to the ground. He could take all that. What he couldn't take, however, was the insufferable bitch running through the crowd- damned dagger cutting his throat. Nazin leaned back, just barely missing death. But she twisted, using his body to gain momentum- and literally stab him in the back.
"Tell Leviticus I WILL find him, and I WILL end him. And I'll end you too!"
Knocked off by his powerful arm, Violet felt herself thrown back- slamming into Asriel's shield. The dagger ripping his flesh, arcing as it was forced from his body- landing in the dirt beside her. Nazin turned, running for his life.
Chapter 14- Healing Before the Pursuit