February 22, 2021

On the Threshold Of Adventure, Chapter 7- Dar

    Albridge, like the rest of the Highdell Barony, could only be described as picturesque, or simply  beautiful. Intersecting at the King's Road and Wincrush River, buildings mostly scattered the north side of the banks- but a few scattered near the south. The group parted ways from the barge down at the river- grateful for the trip, and for the help that would come. Stepping onto the path, they were faced with a small problem- where to go? It looked like there was only one direction- forward. However, they had no idea who to look for, or where they were.

    "You young ones look lost." To the right, on a porch, sat a white-haired Hin man, watching them curiously, affable... yet tense, to the perceptive ladies. Eyeing them up, trying to judge their intents. Thorin stepped forward with a gentle nod.

    "Just a little bit. Perhaps you could help us- we're here looking for a man named Dar."

    Narrowing his eyes, he beckoned them closer- tense again, nervous in a way. "And what would you folks be needing Dar for?"

    "It was suggested we come talk to him, see how we could help..."

    "In dealing with the predicament at hand." Eyeing the man, Violet stepped forward- pausing at Thorin’s left. He eyed in her turn- and they came to silent, mutual understanding. Relaxing again, his affable manner returned.

    "Gremath Stables are down at the other end of town- left-hand side, last building out. Can't miss it. That's where you'll find him."

    "Many thanks for your kindness."
As the group moved on, the Hin elder settled back. Watching them intently. Somehow, he knew why they were really here.


    Gremath Stables were exactly where the elderly Hin man said they would be- a lovely livery, polished wood gleaming in the golden light of fading day. Coming back from tending some horses in the stables themselves, approached a man- watching the motley group coming towards him. An middle-aged human, Thorin and Silver could recognize the battle scars. And the weary look about him. This was a former adventurer, one who had retired after seeing some things.

    "Hail and well met, travellers- don't think I've seen you around before. Then again, if I had, I would remember it. How can I help you?"

    "Would you happen... to be Dar?"

    "That I would be. And you are?"

    "I am Asriel. To my left is Silver, beside him is... Thorin. To my right, Sera. Beside them is Jordan, and...  Violet was here..." Asriel looked around, but didn't see her at all. Looking back at Dar, he decided not to push the issue. "It was... told to us, you would be the one to speak to... About the problem at hand?"

    "I see..." Dar looked thoughtful. "And how did you come to hear of it?"

    "Encountered them... While we were travelling. On Illyana's farm. She pointed us... to you."

    "...We can speak more freely inside."
At those words, Dar broke into a grin- ushering them inside quickly, before anyone noticed them. Seats were offered to them all, and were taken- Dar being last, offering drinks to the five. When he spoke, it was sombre. "You ran into them at Illyana's?” The group nodded, Dar looking thoughtful.

    “I'm not surprised- their influence is spreading throughout the Highdell Barony. She's a good woman- rather helpful at keeping us warned… Fortunately you lot were there.” Leaning back, he eyed them all. “The Iron Ring have been terrorizing all of Highdell- I've been spearheading a resistance to drive them out once and for all. Rallying forces has proven difficult, I must confess- but I'm confident it will be done. We'll drive these right terrible bastards back to their corner of depravity- if not right into the grave, where they really belong."

    "We've already… got the good folks of Tor's Hold to help. They had an… issue, but once it was… dealt with, they said they’d come. And I believe we also… Have the hin folk along the river?"

    "That's right- they'll help along the river, which is good for picking forces off."

    "Excellent! Their help will definitely be most important!" 
Pouring some water this time, Dar looked to all of them. "Having a fine group of adventurers like yourselves will be essential in this fight- I hope we have you on our side?"

    "Pretty safe to say you will. Since we had to come up this way, we figured why not join in? Especially since we've fought them off twice now. Once at Illyana's farm, and once on the river here. Won't be the last time before this all over, either."

    "Right. And how did you come to pass this way, if I may ask?"

    "...Through me." Violet was nudged by Sera- who had noticed her hiding place- and she scowled quickly before speaking. "I’ve some business in this area- and these fine people were kind enough to accompany me, while I get things done."

    "This... Business of yours, is it time sensitive?"

    Letting the thought slosh over in their mind, Violet shook their head- to Dar’s relief. "…Not so much, that this would be pushed aside. Whatever timeline we come up with is fine. With the folk of Tor's Hold coming, and one of the slavers escaping us on the river, we have little time before they’ll organize a strike. Do you know anything about who's behind all this?"

    Sitting back, Dar thought about it for a moment. Then shook his head. "I don't, but I can try to find out. Though I'm wondering if you can find something out for me. Nearby to the southwest is Marl- I've not heard much from there in some time. If you could check in and report back, that would be helpful."

    "Sure, we can do that. Are there any messages you would like us to relay?"

    "No, but thank you anyways. Just checking in is fine- and if you head out immediately, you'll make it right before nightfall."

    "Then I guess we had better get started. We'll return here to see you in the morrow." 
At that, all six of them made their way out- beginning the trek back through town, across the bridge and down to Marl. There was a lot of running around to do- but rallying forces just worked that way sometimes, one guessed.


    The group strode along beneath darkening skies, keeping a marching pace to increase the chances of making it before full dark. Any attempts to ask about what Violet said were rebuffed- in a not so polite way this time. There was only one new piece of information offered: “None of you are from around here. The Iron Ring is a scourge to Karameikos- most of us have a story.” Everyone by now knew something was going on- and Violet was related to it. Thinking about everything that had gone on, each individual came to vastly different conclusions... But all of that was interrupted when they saw Marl. Or rather, what little remained. Once a prosperous-looking thorp, Marl had been reduced to nothing. Fields charred and salted, buildings so much rubble, ashes and dust. Embers danced against the darkening sky, smouldering piles unsafe to approach. Whatever happened here, happened very recently. Everyone walked through in relative silence- sobered by the sights. Not everything was gone beyond hope, however- a few steads did remain. The outlying ones, well away from the heart of the action.

    One of the farms still stood, and with it being late twilight, they decided to see if they could possibly overnight on the lands. Careful to be open in their approach, they knocked gently. An eye slot opened- judging by the height, a hin stood behind it.

    “Evening. How can I help all of you?”

    "Good evening. Apologies for the late… interruption.” It took Asriel a moment to recall the word. “We’ve just arrived- and were hoping to… reside inside the walls, for the night.”

    "Right. You can stay in the barn- the guard dogs will alter us if you try anything funny. It’ll cost each of you a silver- but it comes with breakfast. And I’ll need to stab all your hands.”

    "Er… stab our hands?”

    "To check for lycanthropy, Asriel. Karameikos has a were-creature problem. One of the key characteristics, silver forces a reversion. Alternatively, regeneration is a giveaway.”

    With that, Violet stuck her hand in first- the resultant wound small, but enough to pass the test. After pricking everyone else's hands with silver to check for lycanthropy, the kindly Hin farmer couple did take everyone inside. It was explained Marl was burned down by the Iron Ring in the last three days, most everyone scattered- rightfully fearing for their lives. About a dozen remained, most of them residing in the outlying areas. Space was at a premium- but the group was readily permitted inside to get warm for a bit. And to familiarize the guard dogs, in case any of them tried anything. In turn, the group told stories of their adventures- individual and as a group alike, before retiring for the night outdoors.


    I opted to take the first watch- alone. For some reason, Sera, Jordan and Thorin wanted to venture forth and explore. I had explained it would be dangerous- due to said lycanthropy- but they insisted. Lycanthropes were something new to the pair from the Emirates; Jordan especially was curious. Besides, the experience would be good for him, they said. Giving them some of my wolfsbane- enough for a dose for each, plus a spare- and explained to them how best to use it. With this, it would give increased chance to fight off lycanthropy- but success was not certain. Asriel opted to watch over Silver and I in the middle- when the trio would go off- and upon their return, Silver would watch over everyone- and the sunrise. Personally, I think such sentiments are not something Silver appreciates, but he insisted.


    Deep in the night Sera, Thorin and Jordan left to find were-creatures, specifically a were-snake in the area; this was when I woke them- and Asriel, before passing out. Their endeavour left Jordan deceased, bitten by said were-snake. Thankfully, Jordan didn't inherit lycanthropy- rendering resurrection just a bit easier to perform. Perhaps Dar will know of someone, who can bring him back to the world of the living. I wonder what things look like, after death? But it
will have to wait- there’s little we can do, and breakfast is almost ready…


    Naturally upon awakening, the farmer asked about Jordan’s whereabouts. The night’s events had been explained, causing the farmer to merely shake his head. After breakfast, the group made their way back to deliver the news. And to get Jordan revived, by… whoever could help. Luckily, Dar was capable of doing as such for us. Once that was finished, everyone sat down to tea- Jordan having some breakfast while news of Marl was broken to Dar.

    "It seems whoever is in charge has been proving elusive. And those beneath them, when captured, aren't talking."

    "That's a shame. Perhaps we will... learn, as we do more."

    "Perhaps so. Least most everyone is alive, even if the thorp is burned beyond repair."

    "Where would you... Where do we go from here?"

    "Dardun would be the best bet. The Iron Ring has taken it over, forcing it into heavy oppression- without knowing what's happening over there, we can't push any plans into action." Letting out a small sigh, his glance swept around the room- settling on Violet. Rather fortunate we have her on our side, and not theirs... Word from their first skirmishes had gotten to him- the strange amethyst hin was rather essential to the rapidly-shifting plans. All of them had their time and place, but no doubt she was the one calling the shots.

    "Is there anything specific you can tell us going on- or is it do what we can, how we can?" 

    Dar snapped out of his haze, looking back to Thorin. "Not much intel, I'm afraid. Since the Ring took over, getting anyone in or out has been near impossible."

    "What kind of people live there? What's Dardun known for?"

    They grow things, mostly. Known for wines- mostly white. Cheeses, apples and peaches... Ciders, grain products like bread. That sort of thing. Only other thing I can think of is the peach orchards and apple orchards, run by the respective Hin families who have settled in the area."

    "How would that-" Jordan cut himself off, answering his own question. Thinking it over, a lot of pieces were slowly falling into place. Interestingly, Asriel's thinking ran in a similar vein.

    "So far, the only one able to get in or out is Eldaerenth. Young elven man, can recognize him by the jade-green eyes. Nobody's seen or heard from him in a few days; I fear the worst."

    "We'll find out what happened to him. And do what we can."

    "Is Dardun where you plan on making your stand?"
Silver interjected, leaning back in his chair.

    "No. We'll be doing it here in Albridge- and likely soon, I've heard they're gathering forces en masse. They should be here within in a week."

    "So we have three days. Four if we're fortunate, which I doubt."

    "You seem to be rather knowledgeable about their tactics." Silver's bluntness cut the tension.

    Violet merely shrugged. ”Karameikans have tangled with them before. With luck, we can break their hold in Dardun quickly- slavers are cowards, at their core. Show some strength, and they’ll run like the vermin they are. In the meantime... Tor's Hold will be here in a day. Once we get back, we should prepare for battle. If we're fortunate, we'll know who's in charge of this oppression."

    Dar started at her for a moment, then burst out laughing. "By the gods, am I ever glad you lot came along- especially you! With the knowledge and mettle you lot bring, we'll push them back with little trouble at all!" At that point everyone stood up- as Dar let the group out, he smiled to himself. Before this he had fears of failure, especially when this wild card group came along. Those fears were mostly alleviated- and for once, he felt confident in his plans. Yet something lurked, pulling at his mind. There would be a serious cost- but lacking the slightest idea of what form it would take.

Chapter 8- Dardun

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